Thursday, November 12, 2009

"She (or he) is looking at me!"

Have you ever desired to have someone so in love with you that they just couldn’t wait to see your face or hear your voice? You were their desire. You were what they couldn’t wait for. That’s how God feels about us! He can’t wait for you to look at Him and speak to Him. He is eagerly anticipating it! It’s like when you know someone you love is going to call you, or you know you are going to see them soon. You know it’s coming, and the hours leading up to it cause you to get nervous. You may even get butterflies in your stomach. That’s how God feels.
Earlier this week I was at a Bible study with my sisters. At the end of the worship time, one of the leaders had us just pause and let God speak His love to us. My sister shared how she heard God say to her, “I get butterflies in my stomach when I look at you.”

Song of Songs 2:14
“O my dove, in the clefts of the rock,
in the secret places of the cliff,
let me see your face,
let me hear your voice;
for your voice is sweet,
and your face is lovely.”

God is longing to hear your voice and see your face. If you haven’t been looking at Him, if you haven’t been speaking to Him, He’s longing for you to look at Him and speak to Him. And when He knows it’s coming, He gets excited and eagerly anticipates it.
There’s a song by Misty Edwards that I love. Part of the song was taken from Song of Songs. The first time I really listened to the words of this song, I was amazed by the possibility that this is really how God feels about me. And now that I’ve experienced more of His love and searched it out, I know it’s true. So, here’s part of the song:
And then I hear You say
As You gaze over the balcony of Heaven
I hear You say as You peer through the lattice of time
I hear You say as You rejoice over me
“O Angels! O Angels! Look and see!
Through that dark night of faith
She is gazing at Me!
O Angles! O Angels! Look and see!
Through that cloud of unknowing
She’s gazing at Me!
And you have ravished My heart
My sister, My bride
With one glance of your eye!
You know those movies where the guy sees a girl looking at him from across the room? He’s enraptured, smiles, nudges his friend next him, and without moving his lips says to him, “dude, so-and-so is looking at me! I can't believe she's looking at me!” Well, that’s kind of like God. When you look at Him, He’s enraptured, everything stops, He smiles, His heart beats a little faster, and then He says to the angels, “Look! She’s looking at me!”
This theme comes up again, in a later chapter, and I’m sure I’ll be writing more about it. This is something that just amazes me and is beyond my comprehension.
So, as we learn to accept our place in the King’s chamber and to accept His love, now let’s live in the reality that we are His desire . He is just waiting for us to look at Him and to say something to Him. He is yearning for us to gaze upon Him. He is yearning for time spent together.

Song of Song 2:13, 14
“Rise up, my love, my fair one,
And come away!…..
Let me see your face,
Let me hear your voice;
For your voice is sweet,
And your face is lovely.”

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